Rainbow Six Siege fans will be happy to hear that their favorite games will be available on the new generation as soon as they leave. The base of PC players already holding a large part of the population, they take steps to avoid fragmenting the console community. The most important is the intergenerational game, which will allow players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to play with those of the new generation. In addition, the crossed game Rainbow six siege between the consoles is something that Ubisoft is ready to implement, as long as Sony and Microsoft can reach an agreement. This could be a huge bargain for the base of console players if it happens as planned.
Leroy Athanassof, Game Manager for R6, was interviewed by Windows Central where he entered the details of the game on the new generation. Regarding the game crossed, he had this to say: _ "It's more of a discussion between Microsoft and Sony. We would be delighted to play fully in cross-play - that Xbox players make a rapproche with Playstation players. We are ready to support that. And I hope it will happen because, as I said, it is a general evolution in the industry, and nothing can prevent that. This is just a matter of time before it happens. "_
In the same interview, he also confirmed that the game will be available at the output of the consoles. _ "Why can not give you a date because these dates are, in the end, on the people who do the next generation consoles. What I can tell you is that we will continue since the launch . When they release the consoles; but it's up to them to agree. For Siege, our goal is to be available from the launch. "_
Let's hope that the conversation between Sony and Microsoft runs smoothly. Rainbow's crossed six-seat game between the new generation seems to be the right choice, and probably the right choice for all competitive video games based on a healthy players for a competitive matchmaking.
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Source: Central window
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