Today the social network of the moment without a doubt is TikTok, since it is a way of watching videos quite short, something that users prefer not to spend more than five minutes in front of a video. And like any successful platform, it is obvious that competitors were not going to be left behind, among them is Twitter . This through a new video player in its cell phone version, because now everything becomes vertically, with an interface quite similar to that of its direct rivals. Given this, Platform Azul I assure that it is a more immersive way to enjoy the videos, in addition a function is inserted allows the reproduction of recommended material. It is worth mentioning that these functions for now are in test phases, this for both iOS and for Android , and I don't know what extent they are going to launch globally. Then, depending on the acceptance in the beta, the opinion will be reached to add them, something that has also happened with options requested such as editi...