They say that there is Tinder's match that change your life , but nobody warns you if it is for better, for worse or to know what the hell. The fact is that I hope everyone will change it change Jen, the fan of Nier: Automata who hchange gone viral in networks these days by convince all his leagues to buy the game of Yoko Taro... and then Do them ghosting and not talk to them again in life. Because yes, if someone does that to you, the misunderstanding you eat it and the overwhelming existential emptiness that reminds you that you are going to die alone too, but at the same time you discover nier: automates, the solution to any rupture and practically Any first world problem (here the rechangeons, for the clueless). Maybe it is not the most neat method at the moral level, but Plato said that tchangete is educated , he did not explain how. Come on, Plato is like those who talk about Tinder. Solia wandered by Tinder to make some uncles buy Nier: Automata and then ignored them...